Napier Super VP90
Napier Super VP90
Napier Super VP90 total Corrosion Protection System
Super VP90This remarkable product is used by over 500,000 shooters worldwide to protect guns or any metal objects, either in a gun safe or bag.
Advanced vapour phase action deposits an invisible mono molecular coating on any exposed metal, leaving glass, plastic & wood unaffected.
Anywhere air can penetrate VP90 will protect.
New VP90 now lasts 50% longer and protects a typical 5 gun cabinet
1 cu metre (35.5 cubic feet) for over 9 months.
What is VP90?
DO NOT CONFUSE VP90 WITH SILICA GEL or similar desiccants. These products simply dry out the air within the confined space and can lead to serious damage to wooden parts of the weapon. A badly warped gun stock is a very expensive problem. VP90 is a blended vapour phase inhibitor which releases a controlled mono molecular chemical into the atmosphere. It is attracted to all metals, both ferrous and non-ferrous, and it will not adhere to wood, plastic or glass.
It is safe to use on even the most delicate parts and will seek out exposed metal even in places that you cannot reach with the oil can. Anywhere air can penetrate VP90 will protect!! It leaves an invisible micro film coating on the metal which guards against the effects of corrosion and will continue to do so even in extremes of temperature or humidity. VP90 is the first product designed specifically for use in gun safes. The blend of active chemicals is safe to use and the activity will not be reduced by normal exposure to air movement.
The results
Report Ref: 95M51422E
VP90 clearly reduces the risk of corrosion.
For just a few pennies per week a VP90 sachet will protect any metal object within a 5 gun cabinet for over 9 months. Supplied with full instructions in a sealed package, VP90 packs can be placed inside any cabinet with the adhesive tab provided, or can be put inside your gun slip. (Most Napier gun slips are supplied with one pack of VP90). VP90 is made to complement the finest range of cleaners and lubricants you can use on your gun. All the Napier range of cleaners and oils contain VP90 and, when used in combination, offer the most effective level of protection from the elements (and your fingers) that money can buy.
Independent test proves that VP90 really works.
The Swedish National Testing and Research Institute have recently tested VP90 in the sort of conditions no-one would expose a valued weapon to. Using normal gun cabinets, degreased weapon components were stored together with 4 litres of water, circulated and heated with a thermostat bath to 80°C for 2 hours then left to cool for 4 hours, to produce humidity to 100% RH and create the worst possible conditions. For good measure, a salty thumbprint was applied to each part and the cabinets were then opened to the air for 5 minutes three times a week. The water actually condensed on the walls of the cabinet and on the test objects for one whole month.
Napier Gun Care products are used and recommended by Air Arms, and many leading gunmakers worldwide. Just a few drops of Power Pellet Lube in a tin of airgun slugs will ensure a fine even coating that will aid loading and offer protection to the gun. Velocity is also improved and consistency of performance which is vital for match level accuracy.
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