Caesar Guerini Invictus 1 Impact

Caesar Guerini Invictus Ascent impact
The Caesar Guerini Invictus I Impact 12-gauge over/under shotgun is a competition shotgun offering the highest level of customisation, capable to adapt to every particular ergonomic requirement of the shooter, so every shot is exactly where you want it
Chamber 70 mm70 mm Barrels length 71/73/76/81/8676/81 Top ribTapered ventilated Tapered ventilated Side ribVentilated Ventilated SafetySelective Selective WeightKg 3,85Kg 3,85DropDTSDTSStock length377 mm377 mmPadFull rubberFull rubberPackingABSPRO caseABSPRO caseSightWhite sphericalWhite sphericalChokesCompetitionSelecta Choke Sporting
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